By: Eduardo Rivera S.
President of the Editorial Board of Mundo Ejecutivo
From my experience at the head of business projects and after years of traveling to every corner of Mexico, I can say with certainty that understanding the country’s economic dynamics goes beyond the figures in a report or speeches in a forum. The true essence of the business fabric is in the streets, in the local markets, in the small and medium-sized companies that sustain the national economy day after day.
Therefore, I know that the Confederation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Concanaco Servytur) goes beyond being just an organization in the business landscape, as it has long been the reflection of the economic pulse that beats in 1,857 municipalities, with more than 5.2 million businesses. This sector is responsible for 63.9% of national employment, providing work to more than 37.9 million Mexicans. Their territorial presence is irreplaceable, because wherever there is a community, there is a representation of Concanaco Servytur.
In addition to its broad representation, the confederation plays a crucial role in stimulating the Mexican economy through flagship initiatives such as “El Buen Fin”, similar to our Black Friday sales. In its 2024 edition, this trade event exceeded expectations by generating an estimated economic spillover of 165,000 million pesos (about 8.08 billion USD), that is, an increase of 10% compared to the previous year, which boosted domestic consumption and strengthened the country’s SMEs.
In addition, last year, Concanaco organized the 2nd Leaders’ Business Summit in the Riviera Nayarit, where it brought together more than a thousand business leaders from all over Mexico and fostered dialogue and collaboration between businessmen and authorities, in addition to generating an estimated economic spillover of 35 million pesos (about 1.71 million USD) for the region. Events like this underscore Concanaco Servytur’s commitment to economic development and the promotion of strategic alliances for the benefit of the country. These initiatives reflect the confederation’s ability to boost economic growth and strengthen the Mexican business fabric.
Recently, President Claudia Sheinbaum presented Plan Mexico, an ambitious strategy that promises to attract investments of up to 277,000 million dollars between 2025 and 2030, and whose objectives are to reduce dependence on Asian imports, strengthen national production, create jobs and enhance the country’s infrastructure. However, when I learned that Concanaco Servytur was not included in the dialogue tables, I could not help but wonder: how is it possible to design a plan of this magnitude without the participation of those who know, from the same field, the needs and opportunities of each region of the country?
However, despite the relevance of Concanaco Servytur in the national economy, its absence from the dialogue tables of Plan Mexico has generated concern. Various mandataries have expressed that, although they trust President Sheinbaum’s vision, they do not feel represented in the plan without the inclusion of the confederation. They argue that the Business Coordinating Council (CCE) does not reflect the voice of the millions of businessmen who make up commerce, services and tourism in our nation.
As someone who has had the opportunity to tour various states of the country and dialogue with businessmen of all sizes, I can affirm that Concanaco’s ability to connect with local realities and its commitment to the development of communities make its participation in Plan Mexico a necessity, not an option.
It is essential to recognize that 80% of Mexico’s gross domestic product (GDP) comes from the sectors that Concanaco Servytur represents. Its exclusion from the formulation and execution of Plan Mexico could mean leaving out a substantial part of the national economy. Mexico’s true territorial structure is in the Confederation of National Chambers of Commerce, Services and Tourism, and its participation is crucial to ensure that development strategies are inclusive and reflect the realities of the entire country.
In my conversations with business leaders, a constant question has been a concern about the lack of inclusion of those who truly understand local dynamics. It is not only about the macroeconomic figures and what is handled in the upper echelons, there are also the stories of the small merchants, service providers and tourism entrepreneurs who day by day sustain the country’s economy. How can we design a national plan without listening to their voices?
Collaboration between government and business bodies must be comprehensive and representative. Including Concanaco in Plan Mexico will not only enrich the strategies with local and sectoral perspectives, but it is also evident that adding them to the project will strengthen cohesion between the different economic actors. It is an opportunity to build a stronger, more inclusive and prosperous Mexico, where all voices are heard and considered in the construction of the nation’s economic future.
President Sheinbaum has demonstrated an inclusive vision and commitment to lasting, sustainable and integral development. Integrating Concanaco Servytur into Plan Mexico would be a decisive step to ensure that public policies reflect the diversity and richness of the Mexican business fabric. It is time to join forces and recognize that, without the participation of those who have a real presence in the territory, any economic development strategy will be incomplete.
For Plan Mexico to achieve its ambitious objectives, it is imperative that Concanaco has a seat at the decision-making table. Only in this way will authentic representation of the sectors that sustain the national economy be guaranteed and equitable and comprehensive growth will be promoted for all Mexicans.
As Chairman of the Editorial Board of Mundo Ejecutivo and CEO of Global Media Investment, I have seen firsthand the positive impact that effective collaboration between the public and private sectors can have. Mexico deserves a plan that reflects its diversity, that values its territorial richness and that listens to those who build the future of the country with their daily work. All this makes it clear that the inclusion of Concanaco Servytur will be a strategic decision for the success of Plan Mexico.
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