With 50 years of experience, Mundo Ejecutivo is the voice of business in Mexico.
Our solid track record positions us as pioneers in business connections, delivering
real results for our partners and advertisers.
We are the digital, print, and visual platform that empowers brands to connect
influential leaders and strategic decision-makers in the target audience essential
for their businesses.
We represent the most extensive and effective business network, linking thousands
of entrepreneurs, investors, and executives eager to innovate and expand their
horizons. Through our participation in numerous forums, such as the Tianguis
Turístico de Acapulco, Tianguis Nacional de Pueblos Mágicos, FIIE Coparmex,
Exphotel, and partnerships with state governments, among others, we are a
benchmark in financial, tourism, and business journalism and a strategic partner
that enhances brand growth.
Our history and character align with the values of success, innovation, and
leadership in countries like the U.S., Spain, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, El
Salvador, Panama, and, of course, throughout Mexico.